Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A blog is born...

Well, since Michael and I are expecting our first child, I figured it was time to start a blog! So here it is!!! Yes, you read right, we are 5 weeks pregnant with a little miracle!!! Our second IVF attempt worked and we are so happy and nervous.

So...let's review the baby making process a bit...

After having a negative pregnancy test in September 2009, we were devastated and hurt. We decided to try a different fertility clinic and try again in the Summer of 2010. Essentially making it "The Summer of Love!!!" So June came and injections began. Michael completed his Anatomy course and we took our one and only join river trip. Although I was beautiful, I was uncomfortable since the medications has already begun to make my ovaries grow. A few weeks later we had our retrieval and then transfer day was upon us. We were nervous and very hopeful. We transfer two embryos on Monday, June 28 followed by three days of strict bed rest. Of course I added a few days of light activity to help solidify the implantation of our miracle baby. By Saturday I was going crazy wondering if we were going to be blessed with a child. Michael asked me not to take any home tests and to wait until the blood draw on Tuesday, July 6. By Sunday night I was having anxiety over the while ordeal and decided I had to test. So Monday I went to the store for normal groceries and somehow a First Response test just ended up in my cart! (This is the FIRST and only time I have gone against what Michael has asked!!!) When I got home I went straight to the bathroom and peed on the stick, which was not hard since I had already peed 20 times in the past hour, a side effect of the progesterone intramuscular shots! So I sat the test down and tried not to look at it while I cleaned up...then there, faintly was a line that started to develop!!! I had never seen one before!!! My eyes must have bugged out of my head!!! So, I tried to go back into the kitchen as if nothing had happened and I saw Michael, grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the bathroom. He was ecstatic but would not believe the results until we had to beta test on Tuesday. I only needed 5 more tests to help convince me!!! So, Tuesday came and went. They don't give results until after the second blood draw, and Thursday came and...we were pregnant!!! Our betas were great from the doctor's stand point. I was nervous on the other hand since Thursday's beta was not exactly double. Tuesday's was 52 and Thursday's was 101. It should have been 104 to be an exact double. So I had a blood draw on Monday to just confirm what the doctor already knew. So Monday's results are in and...well they should have been around result was 740! More than double!!! AWESOME!!! Looks like a healthy pregnancy. Now we just have to wait for the ultrasound appointment later this month to see the heartbeat to be released to a real OB!!!

I still don't "feel" pregnant. I meant, I am tired and feel nauseous at times. Other than that, I feel like Sarah! By the time school starts up in 3 weeks I will be eight weeks along and I am sure that my pregnancy symptoms will be much stronger. Poor babies in my class!!!

Well, that is our journey so far. I hope that you enjoy the blog and I am new to this so if you have any suggestions please help a gal out!!!